Красный квадратService - Красный квадрат


The company’s scientific and technical potential allows us to conduct research and development of auxiliary equipment used at energy facilities.

Design, technical and innovative solutions for creating equipment are determined and coordinated with the scientific centers of the energy complex of the Russian Federation, namely: “Scientific and Technical Center of the Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System”, “Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University”, “St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics”.

The company has personnel to carry out installation, supervision and training in order to ensure the correct installation of equipment.

The engineering and technical staff has sufficient experience to adapt and launch products of foreign manufacturers on the basis of enterprises of the Russian Federation.


Services provided for the delivery of own equipment:



Prompt terms of production and delivery of equipment and individual approach to the customer.


Development of design and working documentation in accordance with the requirements of the STO of PJSC Rossetti and ICAO, with subsequent approval by the Federal Air Transport Agency.


Organization of installation and supervision works.