Красный квадратAbout company - Красный квадрат

About company

A young and dynamically developing Russian company. One of the areas of activity, which is the development and production of lighting and color marking equipment.

Main areas of activity

All equipment is manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation, which allows you to control the quality of equipment, eliminates the use of sanctions, which significantly reduces the delivery time and flexibility of the payment system.

All necessary tests are monitored for compliance with the requirements of: ICAO, Standards and Requirements of the Russian Federation and PJSC Rosseti. According to the results of certification, the equipment is recommended for use at power grid facilities of PJSC Rosseti.

Test results and the absence of operational failures at the facilities of PJSC ROSSETI since 2019 are proof of product quality compliance with the standards.

Design, technical and innovative solutions for creating equipment are determined and coordinated with the scientific centers of the energy complex of the Russian Federation, namely: “Scientific and Technical Center of the Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System”, “Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University”, “St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics”.

The company has personnel to carry out installation, supervision and training of specialists(installers) in order to ensure high-quality installation of equipment.